SLO Reflections

SLO Reflection: Writing process and adaptation
When i first started i did not really have any writing process. I mostly just used the planning to create a extremely rough framework, never taking the time to think out my ideas in the beginning and preferred to just start writing. This led to numerous problems since i would go off topic, mix up quotations, and i would half to spend double the amount of time on the revision phase. now i spend quite a bit more time organizing my plan and now i had found that my essays are more concisely and follow my ideas more closely. As for adaptation i had no adaptation going into ENC 1101 since in high school they just graded on academic essays and all of them were practically all the same. Even if i needed to do an argumentative essay instead of a informative, i just changed the wording a bit and just went with whatever had the most evidence. The first essay in this class had really shocked me since it was completely different that what i had experienced before. It forced me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to grow as a writer and how i use writing process and adaptation in my essays

SLO Reflection: Multiple Literacies & Goal Setting
Honestly i feel that i had definitely improved, although i am still confused by the topic. MA2 and MA3 helped a lot with breaking down that barrier, since i have never done anything else other than a essay in pervious English classes. It was honestly frightening at first since this was my first time doing a multi-modal assignment but once i did the first one with MA1 it got me used to the new format. Then MA2 and MA3 got me somewhat comfortable with the new norm and now while i still don’t get all of it, i at least have most of the core concepts. with Goal Setting i feel pretty confident that i can find and develop the overall goal in an essay. Now that I have a much stronger planning mindset, i can more thoroughly develop my overall goal and stick with it throughout the entire essay. While before i would get lost along the way and start drifting away from the goal that i had set for myself. In conclusion, while i don’t feel that i had “mastered” Multiple Literacies & Goal Setting, i do feel that i have enough to help me springboard into ENC 1102 and further develop my skill.

SLO Reflection: Variations across contexts
This SLO is the one i feel that i am the least proficient at. The topic has always confused me seeing that i never really developed my own “linguistic pattern” outside of my academic essays that i gotten good at in high school. And understanding the main topic from a range of contexts? I feel that i have that one somewhat down, Thanks to the multi modal assignments i had learned how to read and understand many various contexts, like posters, info graphs, web articles, etc. That being said i am in a much better state than i was going into this class, i now further understand this SLO, and even if i don’t fully understand it yet i believe that this has given me enough knowledge to keep going and further understand variation across contexts. I had used variation across contexts multiple times throughout my time in this course, from creating a multi-modal essay in the beginning, and using the SLO also while reading from the books and understanding how to adapt my MA2 into a different form with different context. To wrap this up while i did not fully grasp it, it has definitely helped shaped me as a writer and reader.

SLO Reflection: Decision Making & Production:
In my opinion decision making and production means that learning what contexts to use with different audiences. For example, you would not want to use slang during a formal dinner. Not only do you have to mentally switch while speaking, you have to do this while writing as well. Overall this just means be conscious of who you are writing to and what tone / words / attitude to use. I have improved on decision making and production greatly throughout the semester. Before coming to enc 1101, all i have ever done was academic essays which lacked any real form to it. Now being forced to get outside my comfort zone and making more flexible essays. Before i only knew how to do formal academic essays, and when confronted with writing a personal essay with a loose vocab standard, i was lost. I worked hard to understand how to develop my ideas and thoughts in a completely new way. Coming into MA2 i felt much better about how i structured my essays and trying to inject a bit more personality into my writing. Once again in MA3 i was thrown a curveball. I have chosen to write a web article which the structure and audience was completely foreign to me. I once again researched into what makes a web article different from and essay and how to write the article so its message reaches as many people as possible.

SLO Reflection: Writing and Power:
Over the course i really understood how writing mas a lot of power in culture and the world. Before this class had really only experienced writing and reading in fiction books and in school. Now understanding a more global way of how writing can change policy’s or influence groups, really opened my eyes into how much power writing really has. When i had to write MA2 and had to talk about my place in a community of my choice, that had really made me think. That assignment had really helped me further understand how my writing connects to the world and not just the classroom. Writing and Power overall is a topic that i feel i kind of underestimated and ignored preferring to learn about essay structure and learning how to get my voice across. However once i started to get the hang of that i started to learn how much writing affects me everyday and how much influence articles of literature have on people and groups. I started to learn how to create a good call to action in my essays and write my essays in a certain way to develop a way to reach out to more people and spread the topic i was writing about.

SLO Reflection: Revision:
Revision was always made my nervous because of the rabbit hole it causes. If left to my instruments i will end up revising my essay until its is but a husk of what i originally wanted. However most of the time revision is great for me because in the beginning most of my ideas are everywhere and my essay drafts reflect this. This just shows that revision can be a double edged sword, but, wielding it correctly it can be a powerful tool. Now i understand what constitutes ‘good’ and ‘bad’ revision, revising your essay to further clarify your point and create a more cohesive essay is definitely a much better use of revision than spending time to completely restructure an essay only to end up in the same place with a rough essay in the end. In the end i look back at where i was and really feel like i had come a long way in the revision sector because i used to either spend no time doing revisions or spends days doing revisions, but in the end i would not be happy with my essay. Now i feel a lot more confident in my revisions and spend much less time while doing a lot more with it.